[국제 금융사기 메일] Re: 07-05-2012 > 공지사항 | 해피정닷컴

[국제 금융사기 메일] Re: 07-05-2012 > 공지사항

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[국제 금융사기 메일] Re: 07-05-2012 > 공지사항

[국제 금융사기 메일] Re: 07-05-2012

페이지 정보

작성자 해피정닷컴101 이름으로 검색
댓글 0건 조회 7,407회 작성일 2012-05-08 19:24:19


아직도 이런속임수가 횡횡하는군요. 여러분 아래와 같은 메일 받으시면 속지마시고, 삭제하세요.

제목: Re: 07-05-2012
날짜: Mon, 7 May 2012 18:12:12 -0700
보낸 사람: Mr. Larry Williams<mrlw@cw.com>
회신 주소: <mrlarrywilliams1@yahoo.co.jp>

Swift Debit ATM Card Payment System
Presidential Committee On Foreign Payments

Dear Beneficiary,

Going by series of petition received from International Body on the way your inheritance Fund / Lotto Winning was handled by our correspondence office. After Extensive close door meeting with Board of Directors and other Stake holders in the Government, Subcommittees of the House Of Assembly and the House of Rep, republic of Nigeria.

It was Resolved and Agreed upon that your inheritance Fund would be released on a special method of payment, which tag Name Reads SWIFT DEBIT ATM CARD.This method of payment is designed by the Government to avert fraud perpetration or stoppage of fund by Some Agencies. Either Through Anti Terrorist Certificate or other Certificates. This Swift Debit ATM Card Payment System would be issued to you upon meeting with the Requirement. This office, has Been Mandated to take charge of the Issuance of the SWIFT DEBIT ATM CARD and that your inheritance payment file should be passed to my desk for clarification.

Upon Certification that your file is OK. This Office would Direct you on how to receive your over Due inheritance Fund / Lotto Winning via SWIFT DEBIT ATM CARD. The SWIFT DEBIT ATM CARD would be delivered to you via Courier. In the light of this aforementioned, You are required to furnish this office with the following information.

Your Name.
Madian Name.
Receiving Address.
Your date of Birth.
Your Telephone and Mobile Number.

This In formations would be used in opening of an account here. It is from here that the ATM would be used in issuance of The SWIFT DEBIT ATM CARD in your favour with the Credit card Number and all your information inserted into the card. Upon completion of this issuance of the ATM Card, It would be send to you via Courier to your residential Address.

Urgently furnish this office with your Contact information in order to reconfirm if it’s in line with the one contained in our payment data. Be informed that your fund has been called back and it’s now in a suspense Account.

Waiting for an urgent response.


Yours Faithfully

Mr. Larry Williams.
Swift Debit ATM Card Payment System
Presidential Committee On Foreign Payments


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 141건 5 페이지


해피정닷컴 정보

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회사명: 해피정닷컴   대표: 정창용   전화: 070-7600-3500   팩스: 042-670-8272
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