일반 Windows 8에서 미지원 드라이버 설치하기
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윈도우8에서 미지원 드라이버 설치하기
Missing digital signature for driver on Windows 8
Missing digital signature for driver on Windows 8
Here is the process that I went through to load the Arduino device driver on Windows 8 Customer Beta x64
I had to create a catalog file for the INF and then sign the catalog file with a test certificate.
I then had to install the test certificate in the Windows 8 system so that it would “trust” the driver.
The attached files are only for the Arduino UNO. If you need files for other versions, I can create them.
This process is only for test purposes and this is not recommended as a permanent solution. If Windows 8 continues to enforce the driver signing requirement in the production version then the correct way to handle this will require Arduino to create .cat files for their drivers and sign them with their code-signing digital certificate.
Copy the arduino.inf, arduino.cat, and testcert.cer files to a folder on the Windows 8 system.
This is the procedure to install the test certificate in a system:
1. Double-click the testcert.cer file.
2. Click “Install Certificate” button.
3. Select “Local Machine” radio button.
4. Click Next button.
5. Select “Place all certificates in the following store” radio button.
6. Click “Browse” button.
7. Select “Trusted Root Certificate Authorities”
8. Click OK button.
9. Click Next button.
10. Click Finish button.
11. Repeat the process starting at step 2, replace step 7 with “Trusted Publishers”, continue to step 10.
12. Click OK button to close the certificate dialog.
At this point you should be able to install the arduino.inf without getting any error.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 10:18:56 PM by Louis Davis »
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