SQL AbsolutePage - 숫자 표시의 의미
페이지 정보
PositionEnum = recordsetobject.AbsolutePage
recordsetobject.AbsolutePage = PositionEnum
long = recordsetobject.AbsolutePage
recordsetobject.AbsolutePage = long
The AbsolutePage property sets or returns a long value that is the page number in the Recordset object. When you set this property to a page number, you will be moved to the first (top) record on the page you have specified. The AbsolutePage property may also return one of the PositionEnum constants. Note that you cannot set this property to any of the PositionEnum constants.
The first page is always numbered one. You use the PageSize property to set how many records are on a page. You use the PageCount property to determine how many pages are in the Recordset.
You can only use this property if AbsolutePage, PageCount, and PageSize are all supported by the provider (i.e., bookmarks are supported). You must also be pointing to a valid record when attempting to use this property. If you are not pointing to a valid record, this property will return one of the PositionEnum constants which specify the current position of the record pointer in the Recordset.
PositionEnum Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
adPosUnknown | -1 | The Recordset is empty, the current position is unknown, or not supported by the provider Recordset이 비어있다. 현재 위치를 알수 없거나, 공급자가 지원하지 않는다. |
adPosBOF | -2 | The current record pointer is before the first record at the beginning of the file 현재 레코드 포인터는 파일 시작부분의 첫번째 레코드에 위치 |
adPosEOF | -3 | The current record pointer is after the last record at the end of the file 현재 레코드 포인터는 파일의 마지막 레코드 뒤에 위치 |
Code (VBScript):
objRecordset.PageSize = intPageSize
objRecordset.AbsolutePage = 1
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